You Are Reading ... About Parks in Canada Provincial Parks, National Parks and other campsites. Finlayson Point PP and areaNipissing District: Revisit trails from earier years. Jeep excursion to Red Squirrel Road, Rabbit Lake Road and Silverfields Road. Esker Lakes Provincial ParkCamping and exploring Service Roads around the Esker Lakes Provincial Park in the Kirkland Lake District, Ontario, Canada Nagagamisis Provincial ParkCamping and exploring the Service Roads around Nagagamisis Provincial Park in the Hearst, Wawa and Nipigon District, Ontario, Canada Finlayson Point Provincial ParkCamping for one night at the Finlayson Point Provincial Park just south of Tegamami in Ontario, Canada Marten River Provincial ParkMarten River Provincial Park and the Marten River Historical Logging Camp Kap-Kig-Iwan Provincial ParkOur basecamp was at Kap-Kig-Iwan Provincial Park to explore abandoned mines and find rocks and minerals Fushimi Lake Provincial ParkThe park is north-west of Hearst, Ontario with access by canoe to Hanlan, Wolverine, Pivabiska and Ste-Thérèse Lake. Countlessservice roads to explore the wilderness, far away from the daily noise