Winter Camping 2019
Winter Camping in March at Algonquin Park - Mew Lake Campsite
GPS Coordinates are N45 34.679 W78 30.844. Link on Google Maps |
My second winter with the tent. It was mid March and the snow condition were ok. Not deep enough to justify snowshoes.
And this thime I brought my new folding chair. This is the Cabela's 300 Series Folding Hunting Chair. Weight capacity is 300 lbs. Hunting Chair refers to the fact that there is no noise when I sit in the chair and move around. It is rock solid and I love it.
I didn't have to go far to see some wildlife. They were right at my campsite. The Mew Lake Camp Site seems to have a resident flock of Wild Turkeys. The turkey was re-introduced in 1984 with 274 birds from various US states. It was extremely successful and Wild Turkey hunting in Ontario is possible again. The last native turkey was recorded back in 1902.
Look who came by. The marten was living around here, the visit was a daily occurrence.
These tracks were there in the morning, right beside my tent. Based on the length of the stride, it was likely a wolf, coyote or less likely a fox. Wolfs have been seen in the Mew Lake area.
It was not full moon, so we can eliminate the werewolf.
Chickadees are everywhere and they know exactly where they get food.
I usually bring some sunflower seeds with me. It never takes them long to find the seeds in my hand.
The Chickadee look very similar to the Nuthatch. The Nuthatch has a much longer bill and they climb up and down tree trunks. They even defy gravity, they hop upside-down on a branch. I have seen it, I guess they didn't get Sir Isaac Newtons memo.
The Whiskey-Jack (Grey Jey) is another native bird. They will come and pick out of your hand, preferably nuts. You hear many stories about the birds fearless behaviour. It doesn't take much to attract them, even a ski pole held up above your head is often enough.
The name originates in the Algonquian family of aboriginal language Wiskedjak. And to be honest, it sounds much more colourful than Grey Jay.
The Whiskey-Jack can be found all over Canada's northern forests. And guess what, when you google 'what is Canadas bird' you get, wait for it, Whiskey-Jack.
I got up really early in the morning. I was hoping to get some pictures with the sunrise over the frozen lake. Sparkling snow and pastel coloured clouds. Didn't happen, this is all I got. By the time I took this photo, I was cold and hungry. I wrapped up and headed to Huntsville for breakfast.
Wherever I went, animal tracks in the snow. Possibly a hare.
More tracks, similar to the ones beside my tent.